Recent, am incalcat o promisiune pe care mi-o facusem mie insumi, anume de a nu citi blogurile altora, cu o exceptie, desi incepusem sa ma intreb la vremea respectiva de ce nu as face-o. Adica, am inceput un blog, care sper sa-l urmareasca ceva oameni, deci ar cam trebui sa vad blogurile altora pentru a intelege acest fenomen relativ nou ce a cuprins pana si draga noastra tarisoara, respectiv oras. Mereu considerasem ciudat ce influenta asupra artisticului are un oras ca Hunedoara, un municipiu uitat de lume ca un cos de gunoi mai jos de deva si simeria, cu zero interes dupa ce s-a inchis combinatul si lumea a ramas jobless si hopeless, ca sa nu zic distrusa de-a dreptul. Toate generatiile D.C.(dupa combinat) au ramas cu un singur tel: iesirea din anonimat, escape from "paradise" city daca pot spune asa, fie in alte locuri mai blagoslovite ale romaniei daca nu chiar in the land of choice(forgive the pun) adica autsaid din tara. In paranteza fie spus(iarasi), cred ca acest dual scris e ciudat, iar de ceva vreme constat ca ciudatul e o parte din ca m-ar deranja.
Asa, inapoi la promisiune. Deci, am incalcat o promisiune si am citit din scoarta in scoarta un blog(49 de postari plus cateva fara numar:). Rezultatul: imi vine greu sa nu copiez:)). Tulburat, destul de. Intrigat, clar si limpede.Impresionat, peste cap.Plus ca am elucidat un mister care ma chinuise inainte, desi raspunsul a fost sub ochii mei destul de multa vreme(correct that, the whole freaking time).
Next item on the list, muzica.Hehe, cate as avea de zis...(ok, aia a sunat gen gigi becali, ar trebui sa evit hehe for the rest of my blogging life). Serios vorbind, am constatat ca acea zicala moderna cum ca omul poate fi definit prin muzica ce o asculta este foarte adevarata. Multi din oamenii pe care ii stiu le pot vedea mult din personalitate prin muzica lor, chiar si unele lucruri care nu se releva in comportamentul lor de zi cu zi. In acest caz, ce se poate spune despre mine? Viata mea muzicala a inceput ironic in engleza, ca si vorbitul de altfel, prin Queen. O trupa ce si azi la aproape daca nu deja 20 de ani de cand nu mai exista fiindca, hai sa fim seriosi, fara Freddie Mercury Queen nu e Queen, face concurenta oricarei trupe care se vrea great. Dupa, a urmat trupa care mi-a bantuit sfarsitul de gimnaziu si pseudoinceputul de liceu, RHCP. Cei care nu stiti acest acronim puteti deja renunta far pic de suparare sau frica de a mai citi continuarea, caci ei au fost pentru 2 ani zeii mei, iar albumele lor, daruri pentru noi, muritorii de rand. Californication, Scar Tissue, This Velvet Glove, By The Way, Universally Speaking,Snow, She's Only 18 mi-au fost prietenii care nu i-am avut niciodata.Iar refrenul de la By The Way si acum ma fascineaza far drept de apel:
Standing in line
To see the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there... waiting for
Dani the girl
is singing songs to me
Beneath the marquee... overload
Dar si ei au trecut, iar odata cu ei am trecut la trupa ce si acum imi defineste poate cel mai mult personalitatea:
Arctic Monkeys, o trupa pe care ma voi concentra la urmatorul post. Dupa au aparut mult mai multi desi ei raman cei carora imi plac toate melodiile cu o exceptie, ceea ce e remarcabil.Aceste trupe erau Editors, Metric, Interpol si multe altele care le voi mentiona la timpul potrivit. Acum va las cu alta "auscultare" de la Metric, fiindca nu ma lasa inima altfel: Dead Disco. Enjoy!
De la sud la nord si de la blog la muzica
Inapoi pe plaiurile mioritice/newgroundifice
Tulburat. Confuz. Disperat. Please add something after the beep:
Asa m-am simtit ieri dupa ce am terminat o serie foarte intriganta de jocuri flash. Stiu ce credeti, jocurile pe net sunt niste prostii unde doar impusti, omori sau imbraci papusi Barbie. Dar eu de mult descoperisem un site unde nu erau numai jocuri de acest gen, unde oameni de rand si programatori profesionisti lucrau cot la cot creeand adevarate opere de arta, fie ele animatii, filme, muzica, imagini sau jocuri. Ieri, jocurile au fost cele ce mi-au rascolit ziua si daca veti decide sa le dati o incercare, va garantez ca veti ramane profund marcati. Suna destul de creepy, nu?
Fara a va mai tine in suspans va dau mai intai adresa siteului care a facut toate aceste jocuri posibile:, siteul meu de suflet. Probabil ca Peso si Essa il cunosc deja la cat au ras de mine cand jucam jocuri mai amuzante, dar sunt sigur ca nici macar ei n-au vazut aceste jocuri intunecate. Ca sa va dau niste repere, uitati cateva bijuterii si comentarii ale celor care l-au facut/apreciat:
Time Fcuk
Kevin McGrath's Grey is a short, artsy little platformer about a boy travelling through a lifeless landscape trying to find objects with colour to return to his... girlfriend? Sister? Platonic Hermione Granger-type best friend? Whoever she is, she's listless and unresponsive despite the boy's attempts to get through to her. Use the [WASD] or [arrow] keys to move around and explore; standing near the girl will bring up a series of coloured arrows that will point the way towards the items you're looking for. Track them down and bring back a little colour into her life, even if you find yourself slipping away in the process.
Asa m-am simtit ieri dupa ce am terminat o serie foarte intriganta de jocuri flash. Stiu ce credeti, jocurile pe net sunt niste prostii unde doar impusti, omori sau imbraci papusi Barbie. Dar eu de mult descoperisem un site unde nu erau numai jocuri de acest gen, unde oameni de rand si programatori profesionisti lucrau cot la cot creeand adevarate opere de arta, fie ele animatii, filme, muzica, imagini sau jocuri. Ieri, jocurile au fost cele ce mi-au rascolit ziua si daca veti decide sa le dati o incercare, va garantez ca veti ramane profund marcati. Suna destul de creepy, nu?
Fara a va mai tine in suspans va dau mai intai adresa siteului care a facut toate aceste jocuri posibile:, siteul meu de suflet. Probabil ca Peso si Essa il cunosc deja la cat au ras de mine cand jucam jocuri mai amuzante, dar sunt sigur ca nici macar ei n-au vazut aceste jocuri intunecate. Ca sa va dau niste repere, uitati cateva bijuterii si comentarii ale celor care l-au facut/apreciat:
Time Fcuk
Time Kufc is the latest platform puzzle game from Edmund McMillen, whose previous works (Meatboy and Spewer) made us rethink the way we view 2D platformers. Meatboy focused on pixel-perfect wall jumping around obstacles. Spewer presented a character that propelled itself between platforms and over spikes by projectile vomiting. What does Time Kufc bring to the originality table? Multi-dimensional planes.
Time Kufc starts out simple enough. Jump with the [D] key to get to the gate. Then you are introduced to the plane. By pressing the [A] key you can switch planes and alter what is visible on the screen. Sometimes you can see the other planes while you are occupying the current one, but you can't see what overlaps between planes. This creates an interesting dynamic that involves a lot of guessing with your jumps, especially when he throws in movable blocks, which can be picked up by pressing the [S] key.
As with the rest of his games, McMillan includes a level editor with which you can easily access hundreds of user-generated levels ranging from not so interesting to awesome and easy to the most difficult thing you have ever attempted in your life. Seriously. The original Mega Man doesn't hold a candle to many of the hardest levels. Also implemented is the Newgrounds' medal system that keeps you coming back for more as well.
Kevin McGrath's Grey is a short, artsy little platformer about a boy travelling through a lifeless landscape trying to find objects with colour to return to his... girlfriend? Sister? Platonic Hermione Granger-type best friend? Whoever she is, she's listless and unresponsive despite the boy's attempts to get through to her. Use the [WASD] or [arrow] keys to move around and explore; standing near the girl will bring up a series of coloured arrows that will point the way towards the items you're looking for. Track them down and bring back a little colour into her life, even if you find yourself slipping away in the process.
Originally making an appearance in a recent installment of Link Dump Friday, Grey surprised a lot of us site-bound word monkeys by going over extraordinarily well with a lot of people. But maybe that's not so surprising after all; since art is mostly subjective, and not everyone experiences the same things the same way in life, it stands to reason that something one person would pass by without a backward glance would cause another to stop in their tracks and stare. With a haunting soundtrack courtesy of shadow6nothing9 and a striking, slowly changing visual design, Grey provides a great canvas for players to project onto, but its repetitive, bland gameplay and loosey-goosey controls let it down in the actual "game" department. Like all art games, however, Grey has the potential to deliver an intensely personal experience that people will choose to interpret in different ways; it may bring a tear to your eye, it may make you shake your head and sigh, but Grey is still a thoughtfully made little title that may find its mark with you.
The whole recurring song and how monotone their lives are... I think it's not even their distant relationship that makes it the more tragic, but how lifeless their respective routines are without each other.
In both ends, what you consider the happier and sadder, something is still wrong. The bad end in which their lives continue pretty meaningless without the other (the cycle repeats), and the good end where it just proves the case that they can't be truly happy without their partner. I mean take it from that they were able to live a day without the other, yet they don't quite feel it as they are in doubt in talking over the phone with those short conversations. (the tidbits about finding something to do, getting bored etc)
It does cover the burden one must go through in a long distance relationship to overcome - but even beyond that there's more to it, making this game something really great.
The Majesty of Colors
The Majesty of Colors
The Majesty of Colors, by Gregory Weir, is an expressive interactive story about choices and consequences. You play the part of a nightmarish Lovecraftian beast from the undiscovered ocean depths, as it creeps to the surface and encounters the human race for the first time. A first-person narrative provides context, and helps guide you through your emotional encounter with this confusing new world.
Your only means of interaction is a single, sinuous tentacle. Hold the mouse button on things to pick them up, and release to drop them. The branching storyline takes place through a series of vignettes, and your fate depends on your conduct in each situation. There are five possible endings, and each story is quite brief.
Click nothing to begin. It's obvious from that very first screen of Depict1 that you can't do what you're told if you want to progress. But what or who are you disobeying, and what exactly should you be doing instead? You'll need puzzle-solving wits along with platforming fingers to complete this thought-provoking game by Miroslav Malesevic, porting the original downloadable game by Kyle Pulver to Flash.
Ordinarily, this is the part where I'd blah blah blee at you about the controls, but not this time. Just learning how to move is a puzzle in this game. The voice tells you to use the [arrow] keys, but I'll save you some time and tell you they don't do anything. What other common keyboard control scheme is used for platform gaming? Not very difficult to figure out, right? Okay, how about this helpful instruction from the voice: "Press space to Jump." From that, can you figure out what key it actually is? If so, great; if not, experimenting a little won't hurt you much, since if you die in this game, you're only ever sent back to the beginning of the current level, and levels are fairly brief.
Figuring out the controls is only the beginning of the trickery in this game, which is appropriate, since the original game was created for the "deception" themed 2010 Global Game Jam. The goals of the levels may also not be what they seem. Put on your backwards thinking cap, because more often than not, what would be a help in an ordinary platformer is a hindrance, and vice versa. However, you eventually get to levels where there's no obvious reverse of the "right" answer. What should you do if you only know what not to do? That's the key to this game.
Loved by Alexander Ocias is a short platformer about... well, that's up to you. The game controls with the [arrow] keys, and from time to time you're given choices you can make simply by clicking on words on the screen. A voice follows you throughout the game, instructing you to do various things (or not), and whether you obey affects both your possible ending and the world around you.
So in essence the game boils down to deciding whether to question the directives you're given. Typically if you disobey, the game frowns on you for it. The whole thing has a very stark and unsettling presentation, and this was probably a smart choice; with its minimal design, Loved provides a blank canvas for you to project your own emotions and thoughts onto. Considering Ocias claims he wanted to make something "confrontational", letting players draw their own conclusions and experiences was the best decision to make. Of course, this does mean that people who aren't interested in introspection are going to look at it and wonder what all the fuss is about; Loved is extremely short, and not particularly difficult, and even a few playthroughs will take less than ten minutes.
Loved is also interesting in that I took two possible meanings from it, and one I really disliked. I've seen people "explaining" the game to other players, and I'm not sure I think that's the right thing to do; after all, if I feel one way about something designed to provoke a personal reaction and you feel another, does that mean one of us really needs to be right in our interpretations? Which in turn raises another interesting question. Is art only successful if it explains itself to everyone? If everyone "gets it" or loves it? Or is it still a success if just one person in the whole world looks at it and catches their breath? As a game, Loved is a relatively simple and straightforward platformer. Whether it's something else, something important, largely depends on how you look at it.
Air Pressure
What happens when infatuation becomes complacency? Or dependence? You take on the role of a young man having doubts about his current relationship, and whether it really is what he wants out of his life. Air Pressure, a short visual novel by Bento Smile, might be a simple story about falling out of love... or something else entirely.
It's not exactly a cheery game by any means. In fact, it's barely even a game at all. While it lacks the outright morbid feel present in, say, Every Day The Same Dream, if you draw certain conclusions about the subtext present in the game it starts to feel more and more like you're peering uncomfortably through a window into a particularly rocky chapter in someone else's life. You play by clicking to advance text on the screen, and clicking to choose from one of two responses or actions whenever the opportunity arises. There are three endings possible depending on your interactions with the female lead, and telling which one is "good" and which is "bad" isn't quite as obvious as it might seem.
Do yourself a favour and play this game without reading the impressions of other players first. Once you know what's happening, making the connections is fairly easy, but it's interesting to play the game with a clear perspective and see if you draw the same conclusions others seem to be making about the scant plot. From a purely technical standpoint, Air Pressure is a competent, if relatively unremarkable, example of the visual novel genre; the pixelated look along with the limited interaction puts you in mind of the days of monochrome, handheld gaming. It's well written, but the problem is that gamers looking for something "just" entertaining will probably be dissatisfied with the short, simple presentation and heavy symbolism. It's an abstract little bit of work hiding underneath a very light appearance.
Introspective narratives in gameplay are becoming more and more popular as a form of expression, and you either like them or you don't. Air Pressure is quite a bit less open to interpretation than some, and serves as a snapshot of life and choices that may hold more meaning for some people than others.
Gregory Weir's Looming is one of those things that make you go hmmmm. You play September, a traveler drawn to a mysterious place called (surprise!) Looming; a newly discovered land littered with strange monuments and artifacts. You pen letters to your beloved January whenever you start or end another foray into the world (basically, whenever you leave the realm and come back) that seem to describe a deepening obsession. What is this place? Who was here before you? What does it all mean? Is it artsy? Hohyes. And, in typical fashion for Mr Weir, there's hidden meaning in everything, and a surprisingly intriguing story behind it all... if you manage to find it.
Control is very simple, using the [arrow] keys to move around, [C] to display your collection of items, and [X] to interact with things. Portals, which look like fiery rings, lead back to the "real world", presumably, and mark an end to your travels... at least, until you start the game again. Progress is automatically saved for you, so you can stop and pick up at any point you wish.
The goal is essentially to unravel the mystery behind Looming which is easier said than done. The land is vast, but striking out in any direction will yield something worth investigating. Certain items or obelisks may give you explicit directions on where to go, or they might just provide hints and clues to the backstory of the game. Just keep your eyes peeled for winking points of light on the ground that could be bits of a civilization's remnants, or... something else.
Bars of Black and White
New from Gregory Weir, eternally inventive creator of The Majesty of Colours, comes the enigmatic and unsettling Bars of Black and White. It is an escape game, but the point is not to escape the room; it is a social commentary—or maybe it's really just an exploration of one person's mind? The possible interpretations are endless, which is assuredly what Weir intended. One thing is certain, however: you'll leave the game with far more questions than answers.
You begin on your couch in your apartment. Everything initially looks normal enough, though you're a bit confused…when was the last time you went out? You can't even remember. Soon, with the arrival of a very special device, the true surreal nature of your situation becomes apparent. I think that this is definitely a game best played with as few preconceived notions as possible, so while I'd love to expound upon my own ideas of what the game represents, I'll let you develop your own.
Gameplay is simple and intuitive point-and-click, with only a couple of items to collect and one or two fairly easy puzzles. The simple but not sloppy line drawing-type graphics perfectly enhance the game's mood; they hover on the boundary of the real and the imagined, much like the game's protagonist. Weir has done everything right, and Bars of Black and White is truly compelling and emotionally evocative.
Time to escape...but into what?
Coil is a game unlike any other; it may confuse you, it may offend you, or it might mystify and move you. It is the latest from Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl, the duo whose previous collaboration brought us a game called Triachnid.
The authors suggest carrying an open mind with you as you adventure within their creation, discovering for yourself the artistic expression they have conceived. Once you have played through the experience it offers, come back, read what we have here and discuss your conception of the game in the comments.
If you wish to know more, Coil is a short series of mini-games involving the gestation of what appears to be an alien fetus, from initial insemination through adulthood when a murky twilight leaves its fate in question and the cycle starts anew. The text between chapters is equally vague, like detached poetry that gives clues as to how to play, and yet it also suggests a possibly darker subtext to why the impregnation happened in the first place.
The game perhaps gives an idea of what this alien primal consciousness might be like, and it tells this story through exquisite art work and tight programming. Like other games from Komix, Coil features a distinctly illustrative look coupled with unusual mechanics, but he takes that kind of experimentation further, much further. If you aren't put off by its non-traditional interaction or it's chilling implications, you may have the first really meaningful game experience of this year.
Gameplay generally involves moving the mouse in circles, as clued by the initial title screen, with some exceptions. That's all I can really say without ruining the exploration. Sometimes an experience generates only strong positive or negative responses, nothing in between. And maybe that's a sign of real art, not good or bad, just distinct.
Update muzical(2)
Stiu, e incorect sa pun titlul acestui post update muzical 2 datorita faptului ca update muzical 1 a fost demult si sincer, nu prea estetic(ca sa nu spun patetic, eclectic si scheletic(nu se potrivesc toate, dar macar rimeaza)).Apropo, va deranjeaza, stimatii mei cititori(putini dar buni:D) faptul ca folosesc multe paranteze? Ar trebui sa-mi pese.....Da, ar cam trebui, daca nu vreau ca acest blog sa fie reciclat(inca o paranteza, just for fun). Sa lasati comment daca da, ca sa stiu. Ok,sa trecem la pièce de résistance, o piesa cu adevarat speciala pe care o voi comenta detaliat(nu ma omorati, e prima incercare care o scriu in blog, am avut ceva tentative offline fiti pe pace). Va voi da mai intai linkul paginii de Wikipedia, ca sa va familiarizati cu trupa( si apoi daca sunteti stimulati/intrigati/bosumflati/iritati, cautati pe youtube melodia Calculation Theme de aceasta trupa, lasati-o sa se incarce si reveniti aici. Cu aceasta ocazie, pot spune ca un sidenote ca am descoperit ca aproximativ 90% din trupele care-mi plac apartin genului indie rock. Oare in sfarsit cautarea mea dupa un gen de muzica ideal a luat sfarsit???...Sper ca nu:d.. In orice caz, porniti acum(preferabil intr-un alt tab) melodia si uramriti versurile de pe aceasta pagina:
I'm sick, you're tired, let's dance
Break to love make lust I know it isn't
I'm sick, you're tired, let's dance
Cold as numbers but let's dance
As though it were easy for you to lead me
I could be passive gracefully
Half the horizon's gone for a skyline of numbers
Half the horizon's gone we're working the numbers
'till I'm sick
Sleep don't pacify us until
Daybreak sky lights up the grid we live in
Dizzy when we talk so fast
Fields of numbers streaming past
I wish we were farmers, I wish we knew how
To grow sweet potatoes and milk cows
I wish we were lovers, but its for the best
Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost
Where is the love?
Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost
Who here is in line for a raise?
Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost
Where is the love?
Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost
Who put these bodies between us?
Si acum the hard part, interpretarea:
Sper ca macar v-ati prins ca e vorba de o relatie, dar ce fel de relatie?
Primul vers arata o dereglare a starii normale a relatiei, iar cuvintele sick si tired clar sunt folosite figurat cel mai probabil pentru a indica plictiseala/monotonia relatiei mai ales fiindca sick si tired sunt folosite in locutiuni ce inseamna acest lucru.Totusi, ea continua netulburata dovada cuvintele let's dance, care sugereaza incercarea de a mentine flacara aprinsa.
Al doilea vers e mai greu de relatia este intr-un impas, dragostea inca exista de aceea sexul este privit ca love making nu ca lust, cel putin inca. Acest inca se materializeaza in al patrulea vers cold as numbers ce sugerezeaza o racire a relatiei, o distantare dar care iarasi nu impiedica incercarile de resuscitare.
A doua strofa se refera clar la o problema in legatura cu modul de privire a lucrurilor: persoana feminina a cuplului(in continuare numita "ea" nu il crede pe persoana masculina("el") in stare sa conduca relatia sau nu vrea sa fie condusa din simplul motiv ca intr-o relatie ambii parteneri ar trebui sa decida.
A treia strofa indica doua posibile probleme nu ma pot decide care e mai plauzibila:fie cuplul are probleme financiare si/sau isi face multe griji in legatura(for a skyline of numbers) cu banii si au trebuit sa renunte la ceva important din cauza asta(half the horizon's gone), fie din cauza ca sunt nesiguri de viitorul lor sau a relatiei lor nu pot privi prea departe in viitor deoarece prezentul este prea incurcat deja(we're working the numbers).
A patra strofa descrie momente frumoase ale relatiei precum noptile nedormite impreuna, vorbitul continuu si... fields of numbers streaming past ma cam lasa in ceata deoarece nu pot gasi intelesul ascuns care sigur e crucial pentru descifrarea sfarsitului, dupa cum veti vedea.
A cincea strofa vorbeste despre regresul catre o viata mai simpla(i wish we were farmers), dar care este iluzoriu(i wish we knew how) deoarece orice regrete sunt tardive.
A sasea strofa sau mai bine zis punct culminant, e practic concluzia la care ajunge ea: am fost iubiti, acum suntem doar cu numele deoarece dragostea a disparut si poate e mai bine sa ramana asa(de ce ramane un mister..)
A saptea strofa niciodata nu mi-a starnit niciodata interesul deoarece eu consideram ca totul era clar inca din a sasea, insa Lady mi-a atras recent atentia asupra ultimului vers care e atat o scuza pentru starea finala a lucrurilor, precum si o maxima asupra dragostei/sufletului. Deci, tonight your ghost will ask my ghost se refera la o discutie profunda la nivel sufletesc dintre cei doi, referitoare la motivul disparitiei dragostei in relatie(where is the love). El renunta si invoca iar motive materiale(who is in line for a raise), iar ultimul exprima adevarul suprem:corpul este o bariera in fata iubirii care e mereu de ordin sufletesc si deci indiferenta la lumea materiala si meschinariile ei.De aceea, dragostea este altruista si pura.
Frumos, nu? Daca nu va convine interpretarea mea, puteti citi altele aici:
Have a nice day!
I'm sick, you're tired, let's dance
Break to love make lust I know it isn't
I'm sick, you're tired, let's dance
Cold as numbers but let's dance
As though it were easy for you to lead me
I could be passive gracefully
Half the horizon's gone for a skyline of numbers
Half the horizon's gone we're working the numbers
'till I'm sick
Sleep don't pacify us until
Daybreak sky lights up the grid we live in
Dizzy when we talk so fast
Fields of numbers streaming past
I wish we were farmers, I wish we knew how
To grow sweet potatoes and milk cows
I wish we were lovers, but its for the best
Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost
Where is the love?
Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost
Who here is in line for a raise?
Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost
Where is the love?
Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost
Who put these bodies between us?
Si acum the hard part, interpretarea:
Sper ca macar v-ati prins ca e vorba de o relatie, dar ce fel de relatie?
Primul vers arata o dereglare a starii normale a relatiei, iar cuvintele sick si tired clar sunt folosite figurat cel mai probabil pentru a indica plictiseala/monotonia relatiei mai ales fiindca sick si tired sunt folosite in locutiuni ce inseamna acest lucru.Totusi, ea continua netulburata dovada cuvintele let's dance, care sugereaza incercarea de a mentine flacara aprinsa.
Al doilea vers e mai greu de relatia este intr-un impas, dragostea inca exista de aceea sexul este privit ca love making nu ca lust, cel putin inca. Acest inca se materializeaza in al patrulea vers cold as numbers ce sugerezeaza o racire a relatiei, o distantare dar care iarasi nu impiedica incercarile de resuscitare.
A doua strofa se refera clar la o problema in legatura cu modul de privire a lucrurilor: persoana feminina a cuplului(in continuare numita "ea" nu il crede pe persoana masculina("el") in stare sa conduca relatia sau nu vrea sa fie condusa din simplul motiv ca intr-o relatie ambii parteneri ar trebui sa decida.
A treia strofa indica doua posibile probleme nu ma pot decide care e mai plauzibila:fie cuplul are probleme financiare si/sau isi face multe griji in legatura(for a skyline of numbers) cu banii si au trebuit sa renunte la ceva important din cauza asta(half the horizon's gone), fie din cauza ca sunt nesiguri de viitorul lor sau a relatiei lor nu pot privi prea departe in viitor deoarece prezentul este prea incurcat deja(we're working the numbers).
A patra strofa descrie momente frumoase ale relatiei precum noptile nedormite impreuna, vorbitul continuu si... fields of numbers streaming past ma cam lasa in ceata deoarece nu pot gasi intelesul ascuns care sigur e crucial pentru descifrarea sfarsitului, dupa cum veti vedea.
A cincea strofa vorbeste despre regresul catre o viata mai simpla(i wish we were farmers), dar care este iluzoriu(i wish we knew how) deoarece orice regrete sunt tardive.
A sasea strofa sau mai bine zis punct culminant, e practic concluzia la care ajunge ea: am fost iubiti, acum suntem doar cu numele deoarece dragostea a disparut si poate e mai bine sa ramana asa(de ce ramane un mister..)
A saptea strofa niciodata nu mi-a starnit niciodata interesul deoarece eu consideram ca totul era clar inca din a sasea, insa Lady mi-a atras recent atentia asupra ultimului vers care e atat o scuza pentru starea finala a lucrurilor, precum si o maxima asupra dragostei/sufletului. Deci, tonight your ghost will ask my ghost se refera la o discutie profunda la nivel sufletesc dintre cei doi, referitoare la motivul disparitiei dragostei in relatie(where is the love). El renunta si invoca iar motive materiale(who is in line for a raise), iar ultimul exprima adevarul suprem:corpul este o bariera in fata iubirii care e mereu de ordin sufletesc si deci indiferenta la lumea materiala si meschinariile ei.De aceea, dragostea este altruista si pura.
Frumos, nu? Daca nu va convine interpretarea mea, puteti citi altele aici:
Have a nice day!
10.06.2011 fi scris aceasta postare?
Welcome back, dear readers. In mod surprinzator, revin pe plaiurile blogaritului mai repede decat de obicei. Cauza o reprezinta un link foarte interesant, parvenit mie prin inermediul lui Anca, careia ii multumesc extra/mega/super mult pe aceasta cale, care trateaza intr-un mod surprinzator, dar si comic unele exasperari ale lumii moderne.Intr-un fel, se leaga de postarea precedenta prin dezbaterea celeilalte fatete a expresiei "Ce-ar fi fost daca...", anume cum ar arata lumea cu sau fara anumite lucruri/fapte/opinii. Dupa ce veti citi si vedea lucrurile de pe link, veti ramane(sper) placut surprinsi, poate chiar mai wise in unele privinte. Anyways, fara alte prezentari, "Wouldn't Life Be Perfect If...":
Ce ar fi fost dacă...
Vara. Termometrul cu alcool(hm mm, alcool) arata 30 de grade Celsius și e exasperant pentru mine ca urăsc caldura și încălzirea globala și ceaiul cald. Dar deja vorbesc prostii:)). Ce vroiam sa va zic vouă, celor n cititori(cu n cuprins intre 0 și infinit sper), este cum omul își face singur viata mai grea prin procesele de conștiința pe care și le face în legătura cu orice decizie pe care o face. Indiferent de cât de proasta sau de buna ar fi cealaltă varianta, noi tot ne întrebăm daca alegerile noastre au fost corecte, iar timpul nu face altceva decât sa exacerbeze aceste dubii. Dar, ca de obicei, va las pe voi sa fiți cei care sa va gândiți ce decizii ați făcut în ultima vreme și sa realizați singuri cât de mult va chinuie conștiința sau nu. Ca de încheiere, vreau sa spun un citat care cred ca nu-mi aparține, dar care mi se pare foarte bun pentru a descrie o tipologie des întâlnita la oameni, anume optimismul/pesimismul: "Pesimistul se refugiază în trecut, realistul trăiește prezentul, iar optimistul visează viitorul."
Cei care credeți ca știți cine a spus-o primul sa-mi spună și mie ca as vrea sa-l cunosc pe omul care a putut gândi asa ceva. Pana pe data viitoare ciao.
Cei care credeți ca știți cine a spus-o primul sa-mi spună și mie ca as vrea sa-l cunosc pe omul care a putut gândi asa ceva. Pana pe data viitoare ciao.
Viitorul incepe ieri
O idee bizara mi-a iesit din cap azi cand vorbeam cu monsieur Nahsuc, anume ideea viitorului predefinit.Nu, nu ma refer la soarta sau destin, ci la faptul ca anumite actiuni care, desi la momentul respectiv nu insemnau mare lucru, sunt inceputul unui sir de evenimente cu consecinte importante. For example, iesi dimineata sa duci gunoiul si te intalnesti cu un vechi coleg de pe vremea scolii primare.Vorbesti cu el, afli ce-a mai facut si te trezesti 3 luni mai tarziu ca te ajuta da intri la facultate facand tot ce-i sta in putinta. Astfel, tot viitorul tau profesional a fost decis de un asa-numit "random event". I might be wrong now, but I don't think so:D.
In alta ordine de idei, vreau sa va las un link foarte interesant.Sunt foarte pasionat de paradoxuri, in special cele legate de calatoriile in timp.In timp ce cautam pe wikipedia astfel de paradoxuri, respectiv filme in care sunt folosite, am dat peste ceva intrigant pe care va las sa va dati cu parerea:'s_cat
In alta ordine de idei, vreau sa va las un link foarte interesant.Sunt foarte pasionat de paradoxuri, in special cele legate de calatoriile in timp.In timp ce cautam pe wikipedia astfel de paradoxuri, respectiv filme in care sunt folosite, am dat peste ceva intrigant pe care va las sa va dati cu parerea:'s_cat
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